The purpose of this study was to develop a prediction model of demographic and sociobehavioral characteristics common among\nolder adults with hypertension (HTN) who engage in self-management behavior. A descriptive, correlational predictive design was\nused to collect data at 14 faith-based and senior citizen organizations in a major urban northeastern city. Participants ranged in age\nfrom 63 to 96 with a mean age of 77 (SD 6.9). A 33-item questionnaire was used to gather data on 15 explanatory and 5 outcome\nvariables. Instruments were the Perceived Stress Scale, the Duke Social Support Index, the stage of change for physical activity\nscale, and the DASH Food Frequency Questionnaire. Correlation and regression analyses were used to test the hypothesis. Results\nindicate there is a common set of characteristics such as higher stage of change, reading food labels, and higher self-rated health\nthat can predict the older adult�s likelihood to engage in hypertension self-management behavior.The significant correlations found\nin this preliminary study warrant further study and validation. Findings are clinically relevant as knowledge of demographic and\nsociobehavioral characteristics associated with engagement in self-management behavior enables health care clinicians to support\nand encourage older adults to improve management of this common, chronic condition.